
Backpack of Burden

Posted 5 months ago - May 20, 2024

From: Admin User
The season I’m currently in is exhausting. Between working, building relationships, being involved with my Church, and planning a wedding … I’m ready for a long nap! More than likely, my life isn’t much different than yours. With jobs, kids, friendships, church involvement, attempts at self-care, hobbies, and just everyday responsibilities, it makes any normal person so tired. While physical rest is necessary, it’s the spiritual rest that matters most. In my busiest season, when I need God the most, it’s easy for me to put time with Him at the bottom of the list. Every day, my to-do lists have to-do lists. There are so many things happening, every moment filled and scheduled up. But resting in God is the most important thing yet I treat it like it’s optional. By pushing aside time alone with God, I’m only hurting myself. By trading God’s ability to carry all the heavy things, I pick them up on my own and strap them to my back like a backpack of burden. Why do we do that? I say ‘we’ because I assume you do it too. But, hey, maybe not! Instead of leaving the weight of my life and circumstances at the feet of Jesus, instead of laying the heavy yoke on Him, I drag it around. Is it because I don’t trust that God can handle it? Maybe. Or maybe it’s because I have an overabundance of trust in my own ability. And given my track record versus God’s track record, you think I’d bet on the Perfect One. But no, I strap on my backpack and pull the straps tight. By pushing the Prince of Peace aside, I begin to search for peace within myself which is impossible. By not letting go of the things that weigh me down, I choose to trust in my own ability to swim. Jesus is the only One who can carry the weight. The weight of life and sin was taken from us at the Cross. Trust Him to carry the burden and give you true rest. My encouragement to you today, something that I’m still learning, is to take off the backpack. Put down the heaviness of life and cling to the only One who can carry the weight.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
by Emily LaGrone

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Admin User

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